What was your first impression of each other?
Omar: After an hour of getting to know D, I knew he was the one for me. And, my impression was something along the lines of “Dang, this guy was a former math teacher, is incredibly fit, surfs from the PNW, and has this… incredible perspective on everything..” It also does not hurt that he is 6’2 with a handsome face, strong hands, and effortless, healthy masculine energy– I’m very attracted to my husband. 🙂
David: My first impression of Omar is that he had an electric, contagious personality. His smile captivated me and I can’t forget the shirt he was wearing—an oversized baseball jersey, thick cotton. Talking with him for me, was like jumping into a new world: our interests and experiences when we first met were super different but I was immediately attracted to his passion for friends, for custom denim, advocacy & community service, his dog, etc.

What is your favorite thing about each other?
O: Wellll. Depends in the type — ;P. Let’s see, my favorite part of him.. emotionally: is that he’s rationale, physically: his entire face 😃
D: Emotionally: the way he shows up for relationships in all parts of his life., physically: the touch of his skin, and his eyes.
How long have you two been together for?
O: Approaching 7 years? Right D?
D: Yep. 🙂
What is your number one tip for resolving conflict?
O: Learn to communicate ‘where’ you are in the conflict. Conflict isn’t singular… some conflicts are small enough to know you’ll be good, and that it’s small. If it’s a big thingggg, learn to express where you are: are you in upset, healing, reflecting, needing alone time?
D: If you need time, that’s OK. But don’t just step away. Say about how much time you need and commit to coming back to talk about it more. “Give me 15 minutes—gonna go on a walk. Can we talk about this more when I get back?”
What’s most important to you in a relationship?
O: Feeling loved.
D: Everyday moments. Feeling like you are delighting in each other’s presence.
What are your thoughts on couples therapy? If you’ve attended therapy, what have you learned?
O: We’ve only done one session, so we’re definitely open to it…but neither of us is taking the charge at the moment.
D: I think in retrospect, it’s something we should have done early! And maybe every couple should. Why not invest up front in something that will be the most important relationship of your life? Why wait until you have a specific reason to go?
Describe how you met in emojis:
➡️ 🍻 🌉 6️⃣ 2️⃣ 0️⃣ 😍 🏠 🏄♂️
What’s your rose/bud/thorn?
- Rose: Healthy communication.
- Bud: Vulnerability.
- Thorn: Finding and creating joint hobbies/activities.
- Rose: Adventure together.
- Bud: Anticipating difficult moments & prepping for them.
- Thorn: Creating traditions together.